IT’s Official: NASA’s Peer-Reviewed EM Drive Paper Has Finally Been Published

Pregătiți-vă de drum. Cu acest tip de motor am putea ajunge pe Marte în 70 de zile. 🙂

After months of speculation and leaked documents , NASA’s long-awaited EM Drive paper has finally been peer-reviewed and published . And it shows that the ‘impossible’ propulsion system really does appear to work.

Sursa: IT’s Official: NASA’s Peer-Reviewed EM Drive Paper Has Finally Been Published

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Scientists make ‘holy grail’ breakthrough in DNA editing that could cure incurable diseases

„We now have a technology that allows us to modify the DNA of non-dividing cells, to fix broken genes in the brain, heart and liver.”

Scientists have discovered a new way to edit DNA that could fix „broken genes” in the brain, cure previously incurable diseases and potentially even extend the human lifespan. The breakthrough „“ described as a „holy grail” of genetics „“ was used to partially restore the sight of rats blinded by a co…

Sursa: Scientists make ‘holy grail’ breakthrough in DNA editing that could cure incurable diseases

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‘We Couldn’t Believe Our Eyes’: A Lost World of Shipwrecks Is Found

Uimitoare descoperiri în largul coastelor Bulgariei. Epave vechi de câteva secole păstrate într-o formă aproape intactă. Unele proveneau din epoca de glorie a Imperiului Bizantin, altele sunt mai bătrâne cu un mileniu, din vremea Imperiului Otoman.

Archaeologists have found more than 40 vessels in the Black Sea, some more than a millennium old, shedding light on early empires and trade routes.

Sursa: ‘We Couldn’t Believe Our Eyes’: A Lost World of Shipwrecks Is Found

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Iata 5 asezari romanesti preistorice apartinand unor culturi vechi de mii de ani, mai vechi chiar si decat unele civilizatii din vestita Mesopotamie si din nordul Africii –>

Sursa: Xplorio

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