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Sursa: Video WOW
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Unele invenții salvează vieți.
Sursa: Video WOW
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Un avion capabil să aterizeze în curtea din spate: 10 milioane de dolari. Nu-i rău deloc, e doar scump.
This personal jet is designed to take off and land vertically.
Sursa: TI Design
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Animalele pot sta liniștite. S-a inventat pielea de… ciupercă. 😀
These leathers look and feel like cow, snake, and ostrich skins, but are made from mushrooms
Sursa: Popular Science
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Un SSD de 60 TB? Wow! Nici nu vreau să aflu prețul… Lăsați-mă să mai visez un pic 🙂
Seagate has just announced a whopping 60 TB solid-state-drive, the largest SSD yet with that sort of capacity.
Sursa: Seagate’s new 60TB SSD dwarfs the others on the market
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Slowly moving towards positronic brains. 🙂
They behave like biological neurons, including low power usage and dense scaling.
Sursa: IBM creates world’s first artificial phase-change neurons
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„The effort to unpick Mochisuki’s work, the product of 20 years of solitary struggle, was not helped by his reluctance to leave Japan to explain his findings. […] But now acceptance of Mochizuki’s breakthrough […] has come a significant step further after a fresh meeting in his home city of Kyoto last month led to at least four mathematicians declaring they now understand the work in detail.”
Rarely can the phrase „easy as ABC” have been more wrong. Some four years after a Japanese mathematician unveiled a 500-page solution to one of his field’s knottiest problems „“ known as the ABC conjecture „“ a group of peers have announced the groundbreaking development that they are finally beginnin…
Sursa: Revolutionary mathematical theory moves a step closer
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Ah, într-o astfel de aeronavă nici nu mi-ar mai păsa cât durează zborul…
This is one plane you’re going to love to travel in.
Sursa: Futurism
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Puțină istorie? 🙂
– via http://ift.tt/1USCRxt
Infographic illustrating the structure of the Roman Army. Originally created as a video installation for the Vindolanda Museum at Hadrians Wall on the English”¦
Sursa: RAM Roman Army Structure
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Așa se construiesc casele de cărămidă în secolul XXI: cu robotul-zidar. 🙂
House-construction time lapse by Fastbrick Robotics
Sursa: IBTimes AU
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Ceva drăguț. de weekend… 😉
This cup not only floats — it literally never tips over
Sursa: NowThis Future
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