Popular Science

Mare și ciudat e Universul observabil!

Imagine a planet, like Jupiter, but four times heavier. And it’s got a huge orbit, maybe twice as wide as Pluto’s. Oh, and it has three suns. That planet is real, and it’s 320 light years away. Meet HD 131399Ab.

Sursa: Popular Science

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Morala 1: Juno a ajuns până pe Jupiter cu ajutorul energiei solare.
Morala 2: Juno a ajuns până pe Jupiter cu doar o secundă întârziere.

The celebration of the insertion of the #Juno spacecraft in orbit around Jupiter with less than a second behind the scheduled appointment, a probe that broke the record of distance traveled with solar power previously held by Rosetta from the European Space Agency.

Sursa: Astronomy

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Dacă nu le-o ia Elon Musk înainte, chestia asta va duce omenirea pe Marte. 😉

NASA just tested the booster that will send humans into deep space on the most powerful rocket in history.

Sursa: Quartz

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David Wolfe

Casele Lego există! Nu îmi dau seama cum se comportă la frig sau pe timp de arșiță, dar ideea e interesantă.

This Man Is Building Homes For The Homeless Using Discarded Plastic

Sursa: David Wolfe

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Cosmos Magazine

Un vals planetar la ceas de seară. 😉

NASA’s Juno spacecraft, which is due to arrive at Jupiter on 4 July, aims to peer through the planet’s clouds and uncover the secrets within along with how the solar system formed „“ http://bit.ly/28VYkCc

Sursa: Cosmos Magazine

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