NASA is testing an experimental hybrid X-plane with 14 electric motors

Primul avion experimental NASA din ultimul deceniu, purtând deci gloriosul indicativ X, este o drăcovenie electrică cu 14 motorașe: X-57 Maxwell.

NASA is still testing wild new wing technologies to improve energy efficiency in flight. The agency announced yesterday that it is conducting research on a unique wing design that uses 14 electric…

Sursa: NASA is testing an experimental hybrid X-plane with 14 electric motors

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Is Particle Physics About to Crack Wide Open?

S-a descoperit o particulă. Care nu trebuia să existe. Și uite așa – puf – modelul standard din fizica nucleară și a particulelor elementare trebuie înlocuit după patru decenii… Prima întrebare e ce punem în loc? Iar a doua – ce mai urmează?


Hints of an unexpected new particle could be confirmed within days—and if it is, the Standard Model could be going down

Sursa: Is Particle Physics About to Crack Wide Open?

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Eco-Cooler: The Zero Electricity Air Cooler

De încercat: un dispozitiv prin care încăperile pot fi răcite pe durata verii fără consum de curent electric. Acum singura problemă ar fi să convingem aerul să treacă prin sticlele acelea…

Most homes in Rural Bangladesh are made out of tin huts that go over 45° celsius during the summer. Our employees volunteered and teamed up with Grey Dhaka t…

Sursa: Eco-Cooler: The Zero Electricity Air Cooler

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Physics Today

Eu am început să număr zilele până în septembrie!

Elon Musk is offering hints about what SpaceX’s mission to colonize Mars would look like. In September he plans to unveil a transporter for bringing large groups of people to the Red Planet. As Musk says in the Washington Post story: „This is not about sending a few people to Mars. It’s about having an architecture that would enable the creation of a self-sustaining city on Mars with the objective of being a multi-planet species and a true space-faring civilization and one day being out there among the stars.”

Sursa: Physics Today

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Second layer of information in DNA confirmed

Natura umană (și nu doar ea) e mult mai complicată decât pare.

Leiden theoretical physicists have proven that DNA mechanics, in addition to genetic information in DNA, determines who we are. Helmut Schiessel and his group simulated many DNA sequences and found a correlation between mechanical cues and the way DNA is folded. They have published their results in”¦

Sursa: Second layer of information in DNA confirmed

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