2016 StartmeupHK Venture Forum – Elon Musk on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

S-ar putea să mai am o șansă: Elon Musk vrea să trimită oameni pe Marte până în anul 2025. Eu îl cred! 🙂

Elon Musk, CEO of Space Exploration Technologies (SpaceX) and Tesla Motors, Inc, talks about Tesla Motors in Hong Kong, sustainable solutions for Mainland Ch…

Sursa: 2016 StartmeupHK Venture Forum – Elon Musk on Entrepreneurship and Innovation

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The Antipode: Fly from New York to London in 11 minutes? – CNN.com

Am pierdut un sfert de oră plutind printre aceste concepte de avioane (și linkurile aferente) Acum, că m-am întors, vă dau și vouă linkul…

The Antipode – the newest futuristic plane concept from Charles Bombardier – hits Mach 24. So when can we get a test run?

Sursa: The Antipode: Fly from New York to London in 11 minutes? – CNN.com

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Scientists and FAA testing a concrete way to clear snow

De când așteptam așa ceva: un beton care topește zăpada ce se depune pe el!

Anyone who’s dealing with the current snowstorm in the US will know that clearing snow is hard work and futile if there’s another dump. The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Chris Tuan may have put an end to the need to shovel snow, however. His conductive concrete simply melts any snow that lands.

Sursa: Scientists and FAA testing a concrete way to clear snow

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