Sfinxul și-a (re)găsit perechea.
A second sphinx, whose existence many egyptologists had theorized, has been discovered in Luxor.
Sursa: Second Sphinx Statue Discovered in Egypt
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Sfinxul și-a (re)găsit perechea.
A second sphinx, whose existence many egyptologists had theorized, has been discovered in Luxor.
Sursa: Second Sphinx Statue Discovered in Egypt
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Viitorul medicinii bate la ușă:
The therapy has been shown to improve symptoms of the condition in monkeys.
Sursa: ‘Reprogrammed’ stem cells to be tested in people with Parkinson’s
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This innovative drivetrain requires no derailleurs or chains…
Sursa: Interesting Engineering
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Următoarea frontieră: proteinele.
The human body makes tens of thousands of cellular proteins, each for a particular task. Now researchers have learned to create custom versions not found in nature.
Sursa: Scientists Are Designing Artisanal Proteins for Your Body
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Sunteți pregătiți pentru un nou an de evenimente astronomice?
Astronomy Calendar For 2018
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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No, we have not been hacked, this is a real thing.
Sursa: ABC Science
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Holographic light fields? Bun venit în universul Star Trek!
A new technique can now fabricate entire 3D shapes in seconds using holographic light fields.
Sursa: Singularity Hub
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Medicii români sunt invitați să se alăture stației de cercetare italiano-franceză Concordia. ESA caută un medic ce va petrece mai mult de șase luni în Antarctica pentru a cerceta modul în care oamenii se adaptează să trăiască atât de departe de casă. Concluziile vor fi folosite pentru a pregăti echipaje pentru misiuni pe Lună și Marte.
Sursa: Agentia Spatiala Romana (ROSA)
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Viitorul agriculturii e în aer! Nu, nu e glumă.
Parrot Bluegrass is a multipurpose quadcopter designed for agriculture that helps farmers improve their ROI, using its 2 embedded cameras; video camera and Parrot Sequoia multispectral sensor.
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Thanks Boston Dynamics for the awesome work! We need to push this forward.
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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