Reducing sugar content in drinks could prevent one million cases of obesity

Un milion de cazuri de obezitate eliminate doar în Marea Britanie și doar prin reducerea concentrației de zahăr din băuturile răcoritoare. Asta dacă OMS ar fi reușit trecerea zahărului în rândul otrăvurilor.

Reducing sugar content in sugar sweetened drinks (including fruit juices) in the UK by 40 per cent over five years could prevent one million cases of obesity, according to research by Queen Mary University of London (QMUL). This would in turn prevent around 300,000 cases of type 2 diabetes, over two”¦

Sursa: Reducing sugar content in drinks could prevent one million cases of obesity

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CRISPR Gene Editing Successfully Stops Muscular Dystrophy In Living Mice

Semne bune anul are…

If used on humans, the treatment could save hundreds of lives per yearHundreds of children per year are born with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), a genetic disorder that leads to muscle weakness and atrophy—those numbers make it the most common fatal genetic disorder. Better care for the heart an”¦

Sursa: CRISPR Gene Editing Successfully Stops Muscular Dystrophy In Living Mice

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Common chemical reverses progeria symptoms and normal age-related damage

Probabil că nu vă așteptați la asta: albastrul de metil ar putea trata… îmbătrânirea. Inclusiv în faza ei acută: progeria. La mulți ani! 🙂

A new study by a team of scientists at the University of Maryland indicates that a common chemical can reverse the symptoms of the premature-aging disease progeria and perhaps even those of normal aging.

Sursa: Common chemical reverses progeria symptoms and normal age-related damage

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Breakthrough light-based microprocessor chip could lead to more powerful computers, network…

Și a fost lumină! Un microcip cu lumină. Primul microcip cu lumină.

Researchers have developed a groundbreaking microprocessor chip that uses light, rather than electricity, to transfer data at rapid speeds while consuming minute amounts of energy.

Sursa: Breakthrough light-based microprocessor chip could lead to more powerful computers, network…

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The Braintellect 2 will make your brain rewire itself

Interesantă idee: o „oglindă” pentru creier, care îl va ajuta să elimine stresul și multe dintre manifestările fiziologice asociate cu acesta. Cel puțin așa susțin inventatorii lui Braintellect 2 un dispozitiv ce pare să țină mai degrabă de meloterapie decât de neuropsihiatrie.

When we wake up in the morning, we make a B-line for the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. We take a good look at our faces so we can begin the grooming process, carefully shaving, tweezing, or applying makeup to make sure everything is in order. Thanks to the mirror, we can tell that eve”¦

Sursa: The Braintellect 2 will make your brain rewire itself

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MIT Technology Review

Ho ho ho! Cine s-ar fi gândit că Moșul ne va aduce fotosinteză artificială la aceeași rată de conversie a energiei solare în legături chimice ca și fotosinteza naturală?

Demo: Photosynthesis has been very difficult to imitate in the lab, but climate change and the energy problem have given birth to a renewed interest in the field.

Sursa: MIT Technology Review

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Un moment crucial: SpaceX a reușit aterizarea verticală rachetei #Falcon9. Visul unei reutilizări parțiale a vehiculelor care ne pot duce pe orbită a devenit realitate. Cucerirea comercială a spațiului cosmic este cu un pas mai aproape.

Felicitări și mulțumiri tuturor celor implicați!

High resolution video of landing from the helo

Sursa: SpaceX

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