Fără cuvinte.
Crows are as intelligent as 5-7 year old children.
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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Fără cuvinte.
Crows are as intelligent as 5-7 year old children.
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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It can even be tweaked and used to regenerate other tissues.
Sursa: Explorist
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Frumoasă aplicație pentru inteligența artificială: traducerea / interpretarea comunicației dintre delfini.
Swedish-based language startup Gavagai AB is using cutting edge AI to understand what dolphins are chatting about.
Sursa: Scientists predict AI will allow us to translate dolphin language
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Probabil cea mai bună știre a anului în medicină. S-ar putea să fi descoperit cum să învingem bacteriile rezistente la antibiotice.
Chemical changes give drug three killing methods plus a way to daze evolution.
Sursa: Killer antibiotic now 25,000× more potent—and resistant to drug resistance
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Spectaculos sau înspăimântător?
Built by Boston Dynamics and programmed by the CLMC Lab at the University of Southern California, this robot is capable of autonomously navigating and crossing challenging terrains. Its body movements, optimized for stable and dynamic movements, are combined with leg movements that avoid the terrain in an optimal fashion. That allows the robot to move fast and in a stable fashion.
Find out more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYo9Whssla8
Sursa: Wevolver.com
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Când autopilotul nu mai e suficient… vă prezentăm robopilotul.
This robot just landed a plane from 3,000 feet in the air
Sursa: NowThis Future
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Știință aplicată! 🙂
This bed makes itself.
Sursa: INSIDER design
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Take phone calls using ONLY your finger!
Sursa: Alex Klokus
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Cele mai bune invenții sunt acelea care, atunci când le vezi pentru prima oară, ți se pare ciudat… că nu au fost inventate mai demult.
The hands-free breast pump all moms deserve.
Sursa: Circuit Breaker
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14 lupi. De atât a fost nevoie.
They released 14 wolves into a park. What happened next is a miracle that proves we must take care of our amazing planet.
Sursa: Newsner.com
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