Hm! Poate nu degeaba i se spune morții „somnul de pe urmă”.
Very puzzling!
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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Hm! Poate nu degeaba i se spune morții „somnul de pe urmă”.
Very puzzling!
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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Și totuși se învârte!
But be warned, this change of perspective may cause seasickness, vertigo and/or feelings of cosmic insignificance.
Sursa: Cosmos Magazine
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A space anomaly may be a sign of other universes.
Sursa: We May Have Uncovered the First Ever Evidence of the Multiverse
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O veste proastă.
And these are just the ones that we know about!
Sursa: Hashem Al-Ghaili
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Sunteți gata de îmBORGhezire?
I knew the future would be shocking but this is a whole other level.
Sursa: Neuralink and the Brain’s Magical Future – Wait But Why
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L-ați ascultat vreodată pe Einstein? Așa suna vocea lui. Iar ceea ce spunea pare mai valabil astăzi ca niciodată.
Have you ever heard Einstein’s real voice before? (Via Hashem Al-Ghaili)
Sursa: Curiosity
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Poate vă întrebați cât de aproape suntem de contopirea minții umane cu computerele și inteligența artificială. Pe scurt: nici prea-prea, nici foarte-foarte. Pe lung citiți în articolul următor:
Brain-computer interfacing is a hot topic in the tech world, with Elon Musk’s announcement of his new Neuralink startup. Here, researchers separate what’s science from what’s currently still fiction.
Sursa: Melding mind and machine: How close are we?
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Experience Carl Sagan’s humbling Pale Blue Dot in 360!
Link to 🌠VR Youtube video:
Sursa: Omniview
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Acum nu ne rămâne decât să descoperim pe unde e planeta aia… Arrakis. 😉
Imagine a future in which every home has an appliance that pulls all the water the household needs out of the air, even in dry or desert climates, using only the power of the sun.
Sursa: Device pulls water from dry air, powered only by the sun
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Nu am crezut că zborul țânarilor poate fi atât de fascinant.
Sure we may hate their blood-sucking ways, but mosquitos are fascinating aerodynamic enigmas
Sursa: Popular Science
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