Nu am crezut că zborul țânarilor poate fi atât de fascinant.
Sure we may hate their blood-sucking ways, but mosquitos are fascinating aerodynamic enigmas
Sursa: Popular Science
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Nu am crezut că zborul țânarilor poate fi atât de fascinant.
Sure we may hate their blood-sucking ways, but mosquitos are fascinating aerodynamic enigmas
Sursa: Popular Science
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We’ve discovered a second chalk animal next to the world-famous Uffington White Horse. Watch our video to find out how we’re working with our archaeologists to understand more about this Bronze-Age figure, and why we currently believe it might be the ancient symbol of a local tribe who venerated wild mallards.
Sursa: The National Trust
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Sânge artificial – singura soluție pentru criza cronică de sânge din România.
It could prove a life-saver for people with rare blood types.
Sursa: Engadget
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„This discovery impacts existing cancer research by identifying a new specific target mechanism that exclusively and rapidly eradicates cancer cells without damaging normally proliferating human cells.”
Many cancer patients struggle with the adverse effects of chemotherapy, still the most prescribed cancer treatment. For patients with pancreatic cancer and other aggressive cancers, the forecast is more grim: there is no known effective therapy.
Sursa: Scientists discover mechanism that causes cancer cells to self-destruct
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În 3-5 ani „apa vie” ar putea fi pe piață. Ce-o să faceți când veți avea din nou 20 de ani?
– via
Research conducted by David Sinclair and colleagues shows that, in mice, treatment with the NAD precursor NMN mitigates age-related DNA damage and averts DNA damage”¦
Sursa: Unraveling the Mysteries of Aging
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Tinerețe veșnică? Bifat. (Deocamdată doar pentru șoareci.)
Findings raise possibility that a future therapy that rids the body of senescent cells might protect against the ravages of old age
Sursa: Purging the body of ‘retired’ cells could reverse ageing, study shows
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Știrea anului, poate chiar a deceniului, vine de la Lockheed Martin, companie ce promite un reactor de fuziune de puterea ITER, dar de 10 ori mai mic! Acesta ar putea avea chiar și dimensiunile unui motor de avion și va putea asigura energie pentru avioane, vapoare, nave spațiale și chiar orașe! Peste numai 5 ani!
Re: Lockheed Martin’s new Compact Fusion Reactor might change humanity forever
Sursa: The Space Academy
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Ce legătură poate fi între fizică și origami? Vă va explica acest domn:
Robert Lang is a physicist who worked at NASA studying lasers and has 46 patents on optoelectronics to his name. However, that’s not what he’s best known for now: he’s a legend in the world of origami. His intricate designs are second to none, and they actually have applications back in engineering.
Sursa: Great Big Story
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Poftiți la plimbare… pe ISS. 😉
Rift in Space: ‘Mission:ISS’ Launches Today!
Sursa: Oculus
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