Scientists have caught viruses talking to each other—and that could be the key to new anti-viral drugs

Ä‚sta e deja SF! Cum ar fi să interceptăm informațiile pe care virușii le schimbă între ei și să le dăm informații false?

The accidental discovery could offer new ways to build drugs to defeat viruses.

Sursa: Scientists have caught viruses talking to each other—and that could be the key to new anti-viral drugs

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Scientists have caught viruses talking to each other—and that could be the key to new anti-viral drugs

Ä‚sta e deja SF! Cum ar fi să interceptăm informațiile pe care virușii le schimbă între ei și să le dăm informații false?

The accidental discovery could offer new ways to build drugs to defeat viruses.

Sursa: Scientists have caught viruses talking to each other—and that could be the key to new anti-viral drugs

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Scientists Have Confirmed a Brand New Form of Matter: Time Crystals

E oficial, avem o nouă formă de agregae a materiei: cristalele de timp.

For months now, there’s been speculation that researchers might have finally created time crystals – strange crystals that have an atomic structure that repeats not just in space, but in time, putting them in perpetual motion without energy.

Sursa: Scientists Have Confirmed a Brand New Form of Matter: Time Crystals

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Exponential Growth Will Transform Humanity in the Next 30 Years

Evoluție? Revoluție!

As we close out 2016, if you’ll allow me, I’d like to take a risk and venture into a topic I’m personally compelled to think about”¦ a topic that will seem far out to most readers. Today’s extraordinary rate of exponential growth may do much more than just disrupt industries. It may actually give bir…

Sursa: Exponential Growth Will Transform Humanity in the Next 30 Years

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